
birderFILattice House is a paradise for birders. Walk the grounds, hike the jungle trails, or just sit on the balconies and observe dozens of species a day, all year long.

 In addition, there are great birding reserves and parks with expert birding guides within a short drive of the house–Hacienda Baru, Ora Verde Reserve, Rio Sierpe, and Carara National Reserve.


The species listed below were observed at Lattice House mostly within a week’s time in June 2010. The pictures were all taken at Lattice House and the beach below. 

Baltimore Oriole Banana Quit Bat Falcon
Black and white Owl Black-crowned Tityra Black Vulture
Blue-crowned Manakin Blue-crowned Mot Mot Blue Dacnis
Blue grey Tanager Blue-throated Golden Tail Boat-billed Fly Catcher
Brown Pelican Buff front Warbler Chestnut-mandible Toucan
Crested Caracara Crested Guan Crowned Woodnymph
Fiery Billed Aracari Golden hooded Tanager Golden-napped Woodpecker
Gray headed Chachalaca Gray headed Tanager Great Kiskadee
Green Honeycreeper House Wren King Vulture
Laughing Falcon Long-billed Hermit Magnificent Frigate
Mealey Parrot Northern Rough-winged Swallow Ochre-bellied Flycatcher
Orange-chinned Parakeet Palm Tanager Prothonotary Warbler
Purple-crowned Fairy Red-legged Honeycreeper Red-lored Parrot
Red-crowned Woodpecker Roadside Hawk Roseate Spoonbill
Rufus-tailed Hummingbird Scarlet Tanager Scarlet-rumped (Cherrie’s) Tanager
Scarlet rumped Cacique Scarlet-thighed Danis Shining Honeycreeper
Short-billed Pigeon Social Flycatcher Spot-crowned Euphonia
Squirrel Cuckoo Streaked Flycatcher Summer Tanager
Swallow-tail Kite Swanson’s Thrush Tropical Gnat-catcher
Tropical Kingbird Turkey Vulture White-collared Swift
White Ibis White-neck Puff Bird White-throated Crake
White-tipped Dove White-necked Jacobin Wood Stork

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